RMA signs Board-Management Performance Commitments


RMA is introducing a system of annual performance planning and target setting between the Board and the Management to be known as Board-Management Performance Commitments (BMPC). The BMPC for the January-June 2017 was signed between the Governor on behalf of the Management and two Board Directors representing the RMA Board on 3rd January 2017 in a simple signing ceremony.  The BMPC reflects the results and priorities that RMA is committed to achieve in the coming six months.

The initiative/targets are set under five strategic themes: i) Policy mandates, ii) Risks governance, iii) Operational efficiency, iv) Financial innovation and technology and v) Financial deepening inclusions.

The Governor said that of the five strategic themes, RMA shall accord the highest priority in undertaking initiatives under Financial Deepening and Inclusion to fulfill the noble expectations of His Majesty the King to improve the livelihood of the rural people and youth that was articulated in the National Day Address in Trongsa on 17th December 2016.

The management shall sign BMPC with the Board annually henceforth. RMA is also introducing the Management-Department Performance Commitments (MDPC) that will be signed between Management and Directors of Departments under RMA and Employee Performance Commitments (EPC) that will be signed between individual officers and supervisors.